Code Review

Although I wasn’t present for the class in which code reviewing was introduced, it seems like a pretty simple topic to understand. It consists of… well, reviewing code; the only thing is, it can’t be done alone. Code review’s core and effectiveness lies in cooperation with others, where two or more people are required to…

Although I wasn’t present for the class in which code reviewing was introduced, it seems like a pretty simple topic to understand. It consists of… well, reviewing code; the only thing is, it can’t be done alone. Code review’s core and effectiveness lies in cooperation with others, where two or more people are required to even attempt code review. Of course, you can literally “code review,” as in, you review your own code but this refers to something more. 

What does it mean to review when it comes to code? Well, everyone is human, for the most part, and humans are prone to mistakes; and in the case of developers, these end up as bugs, errors, and everything in between. Code review allows others to look through one’s code to find these mishaps that the original developers may have missed or overlooked. I am also human and have had many cases in which I get stuck and have to ask a friend to look through my code just for them to point out something so simple and easy to spot yet I managed to miss. 

Code reviews encompass not only the spotting of mistakes but also the improvement of overall code, so as to have a better, more-refined end product before merging and such. This improvement of overall code includes but is not limited to structure, cohesion, cleanliness, and readability. Clean code is something that I hadn’t heard of until somewhat recently, so that aspect of my code from the past and even now can be improved upon heavily and would be greatly appreciated. 

Code reviews are usually chances for the one being reviewed to correct their mistakes and improve their code but there is also an opportunity for the reviewer to learn. The reviewer may encounter new techniques, solutions, and perspectives through this process, ultimately benefiting both reviewer and reviewee. 

One of the major downsides to code review is that the length and content of them depends entirely on the length of the code; and code can get to some very large sizes. The time spent reviewing especially large code could potentially be put into the current project, workflow, or what have you. 

As someone who is not so confident in their coding skill and proficiency, I believe that code reviews are great opportunities to learn and improve, which will in turn improve my confidence in my skill. There is much to be gained with code review and the downsides seem to only apply to much larger projects; so as a student and novice developer, they will be great to implement to my learning.

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