AI as a Tool for Software Development

Within the past few years, AI has really made a name for itself. Whether it be through art, music, chatbots, or whatever else AI can take part in, AI has cemented itself into our daily lives. One area in which AI has become an integral part of is in software development, transforming various aspects of…

Within the past few years, AI has really made a name for itself. Whether it be through art, music, chatbots, or whatever else AI can take part in, AI has cemented itself into our daily lives. One area in which AI has become an integral part of is in software development, transforming various aspects of the process.

One of the greatest features that AI brings to software development is the fact that it can assist in generating code and finishing code as developers develop. Using existing patterns in databases for code, AI can generate code according to what the developer is trying to achieve. Say a developer needs to create a function that checks if a number is prime, returning false if it isn’t and true if it is; if a function that meets these requirements exists in a database, then the AI will simply suggest that function. 

Although using AI in this way is very useful for developers, they also need to be able to develop without it. AI can suggest code but that doesn’t mean that said code will perfectly fit into the program or that it’ll suddenly work thanks to the AI’s help. At the moment, it should just be used as a tool to make the development process easier and faster; although we may see these features and much more in the future. 

Another way in which AI can assist in the software development process is through analyzing the project timeline, workflow, and other such data and making predictions based on them. By analyzing previous projects, sprints, and other data in the development process, AI could create some insight and predictions that the project managers could take into account when dealing with current and future endeavors. These insights may include timelines, potential highs, lows, bottlenecks, roadblocks, and other such information that the managers could use to optimize the workflow and avoid issues. 

As with the developers and generated code, project managers should also have knowledge of management. AI’s suggested timeline, insights, and all that aren’t guaranteed but simply ideas based on what has happened in the past. It, like for coding, should be used as a tool but in this case, it should be used to see and suggest things that the human manager may not have anticipated or seen.

Overall, AI can be very useful in the software development process but this doesn’t mean that it is the savior for all issues within it. Like with any field one goes into, having knowledge of the fundamental ideas and practices are necessary if one wants to succeed. AI, as of now, is still in its early stages compared to what it is capable of and should be used with caution. AI was used to help write this post and I hope to be able to use it fully both now and in the future whether in my career or outside of it.

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